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Semantics 2019: Presenting an OPN Notice Receipt Schema
to Sep 12

Semantics 2019: Presenting an OPN Notice Receipt Schema

OpenConsent is proud to be presenting a ‘Semantic Open Notice Receipt Schema’ Poster at the Semantic conference Sept 9-12 in Karlsruhe Germany. 

The semantic notice-receipt schema is  comprised of data fields that are commonly required for all digital notices. The schema is an apex schema and it represents values in multiple ways.

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Identiverse 2019
to Jun 28

Identiverse 2019

  • Google Calendar ICS

Sal is recognized as a thought leader on critical cyber-physical matters confronting the world today. Sal has appeared on NBC Nightly News and speaks internationally at conferences and events including RSA, Gartner, eID, Identiverse, and KNOW Identity. Sal is active in standards for physical and logical security and has served as Chair and Secretary of the Kantara Leadership Council (LC), and past President and Chairman of the Board of the IDESG as well as on other corporate and non-profit Boards.

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