OpenConsent is proud to be presenting a ‘Semantic Open Notice Receipt Schema’ Poster at the Semantic conference Sept 9-12 in Karlsruhe Germany.
The semantic notice-receipt schema is comprised of data fields that are commonly required for all digital notices. The schema is an apex schema and it represents values in multiple ways.
Presented & Published at Semantic 2019
For people: it is used as a common notice record, so that people themselves can demonstrate they have seen a notice and capture its context. This is used to address notice repetition.
For organisations: the schema fields are legally required elements for privacy and surveillance records and signs, legal requirements like GDPR Art 13 & 14, for identity and contact of controller are the only common required fields across all jurisdictions with privacy regulation.
For Regulators: identifying the providence of a notice, is a key security element for understanding a notice’s accountable authority in context.
In Application: The Open Notice Schema is used as a method to attach a common notice record to any digital notice, content or sign.
Interoperability: The fields are used in multiple standards for privacy and security.
The notice schema can be extended to a receipt that can be used for the Kantara Initiative Consent Receipt, it can also be used with W3C Data Privacy Vocabulary, as well as with the OASIS COEL atoms.
Presented by Harshvardhan PanditAt: Semantic 2019: The Power of AI and Knowledge Graphs