White Hat iDentity, Security, Privacy Research Lab

  • Laboratory or research group focused on public and ‘free’ infrastructure, privacy, security, governance laws and free standards. Assessing security, safety of surveillance technologies and their implementation in active service delivery for humans. Bringing awareness to critical privacy risks, zero day security exploits, and data supply chain liability.

  • Auditing Video Surveillance, IoT, Digital Services, Identity Management Tech, against different national security and privacy legal frameworks internationally. Employing security, surveillance and privacy standards, along with operational best practices to assess legal compliance, to measure the quality of service and delivery performance, at a fraction of the friction for people, and cost for orgs.

  • Researching the performance of 3rd party trust services and certifications

  • Researching the HC quality of national and international privacy and surveillance governance. (laws, standards and operational practice)

Assess type of consent for human notice interoperability.

Assess type of consent for human notice interoperability.


  • Report A Zero Day Privacy, Surveillance or IoT Breach

    • We run a volunteer service for checking zero day issues and report these to service providers

  • Report A Zero Day

WHISPR LABS application

  • WHISPR labs is designed for assessing services and applying international standards to mitigate risks and aggressively advance Human Centric interoperability, integration and service delivery.

    • Open Invitation to standard developing, authoring, editing, conformance testing community. (to conduct and contribute to iDM consent interop, conformance testing and laboratory research work )

    • Community leaders, advocates and expert contributor’s can support and participate in the forum, but only those who actively work on global interop, conduct and report on dark pattern research, can themselves participate in the WHISPR AdvDev lab. Which operates independently in accordance with WHISPR Code.

    • All OPN-Controllers get access to all public news feed, fed by the forums. and Active Regulatory Enforcement Registry service, filtered to preference (and configurable to purpose)

    • Report a Zero Day to start an application

      • Contribute an Assessment to access 3 assessments

      • or Design an OPN Ctrl Application 2 get design access to related components

  • Benefits

    • Apply WHISPR assessments and certification license (think master builder)

    • Access to WHISPR resources and data sources

    • Support for Developing with multiple open international standards ( Developer Access)

    • WHISPR Lab Network: Access to community and data governance forum

      • Community Network News Feed

      • Meta Library

      • OPN Glossary

      • OPN - Feature Voting

High risk privacy controller services

Active Transparency & Notification Services

  • Advanced UX, low CX friction, Standards based Notice and Consent Service profile.

  • Used to provide discovery, and data controller protections, contracts, and privacy agreements services.

An OPN Controller Registration: provides you with a controller profile, and alert dashboard. A single OPN CNTRL Signet, and a guarantee the controller represents an accountable person (at the minimum).

This provides a foundation for higher risk privacy services.

To achieve these capabiltes at scale OPN is built with open international standards, and neutral - using WHISPR Labs to develop OPN CTRL infrastructure.

Beyond security, OPN CTRL, is designed for human centric interoperability, starting with transparency, security and contextual personal data control. .

Processing events are stored as atoms, with data types and no identifiers. Enabling advanced human centric analytics for oneself, when controlled by an individual, built to enable collective human to planet intelligence.

OPN Security

Only the atom creator’s, or active event participant, can access the atom with a secure (standardised) Operator Identity Authority.

(More than secure and built with the most mature international standards. All records are Human Centric Secure, generated with a notice of authority relative to the data subject, utilising consent types in order to be interoperable with people and context)

OC Group is Custom Designed to be providers of transparent governance, trustworthy surveillance,  smart city intelligence and standards integration, data trust fiduciaries governance code’s of conduct. But most importantly, the OpenConsent core customer, is the OPN Controller and Liable Data Subjects, focusing governance analytics on the key risks and realtime reality.

Open International Standards are much cheaper, much stronger, usable internationally, safe to build with and have the largest reach. Reducing costs, increasing utility with every project and integration.

OPN Registry is governed by the Open Consent Group Code of Conduct -and OPN Registrar’s Digital Charter. These define the scope of OPN and WHISPR Labs, and the services developed and supported by the Open Consent Group.

Mandating Human Centric Standards that provide scale and magnitude to the order of 10x the usability, 10x Security, 10x personal intelligence and can easily be applied to existing digital identity and access policy frameworks or security technologies, and empower people with personal intelligence as a default.

(Learn More About the Power of Human Centric Identity, Learn About Consent ByDesign )

Processor OPN certification

Want to compete on privacy, security or surveillance with your services? Add your service to your Controller Profile and advertise your service and it’s features in our processor directory.