Open About Consent


Open About Consent (or Not)

At OC we have worked to develop a transparency and accountability services for organisations, to make it easier for people to trust organisations, use privacy rights, and control their own personal data.

A critical issue for democracy today, is that people are insecure, not able to easily understand largely invisible personal data sharing and collection.

To address this challenge OpenConsent works to implement International standards so organisations can be automatically open and accountable.

Why Be Open?

Being open reduces the trust burden on people and leverages open standards and open source to dramatically reduce the costs of accountability and transparency.

Through our research, it has become increasingly clear that there is a missing layer of security, which make it easy to see who they are sharing data with. Likewise, organisations have no standard way to provide transparency and accountability over who they are.

This lack of security leaves people exposed and often unaware of who they are really dealing with making trust and consent impossible.

Why Open About Consent?

Consent is the common framework for people to understand personal sharing and intimacy. The type of consent available in any particular context provides people with the signal they need to understand how to manage themselves and how to control personal data.

Privacy should be really simple for people, the burden of governance for the use of identity, surveillance and privacy with digital services should not be placed on people, but on companies, governments and regulators.

Open Consent Team

OpenConsent is a company founded by Mark Lizar and Co-Founded by Sal D’Agostino.

Mark Lizar is a global expert in security, decentralised governance and privacy. The Author of the Consent Receipt Standard, the inventor of human centric identity records, and the privacy engineer who can make privacy policies disappear from the standard user experience with the Privacy as Expected (PasE) protocol.

Sal D’Agostino.

Open Consent Partners

Open Communities We Support

To get involved in the global decentralised movement. Next Generation Internet (NGI) we recommend exploring the open communities that are making this