Announcement: OPN A new stack of standards for global privacy controls July 4th
Founders Sal D’Agostio & Mark Lizar Announce the OPN Notification Network
Today, July 1, OpenConsent is preparing to announce the launch of the Operational Privacy Notice Standards to coincide with Canada and the US independence days.
The OPN Network promises digital transparency services to enhance the privacy and security of services that process personal information.
OCG is trialling a service that aims to add a low privacy risk assurance, (noticeby design) record to an existing privacy policy. OPN standards ISO 29184 is expected in in 2020 and services in 2021.
Beyond being a tool for Privacy Broadcasting. This service reduces privacy risk with global standard notice, this reduces the privacy frictions caused when trying to keep your customers up to date with critical privacy services, demonstrate privacy.
For more information get in touch or stay tuned for Independence Day’s July, 1 & 4 —> 2021.
Happy Independence Day From OpenConsent