Operational Privacy Fact Sheet(s)

Fact Sheet is the second article co-produced by OpenConsent and SIA. It introduces ‘Operational Privacy’ as a way to maintain an easy privacy compliance for security services and and solution providers.

‘Operational Privacy Guidelines for Security Services’ are being developed to address the transitioning regulatory compliance and transparency landscape by providing a simple privacy notice and consent mental model for security. Moving towards bests practices to provide intelligent notice starting from the context of privacy expectations and privacy risk. Operational privacy is measured by the ability to share and maintain a mutual mental model for privacy and security services that use surveillance. A shared mental model, is a easy method to demonstrate privacy compliance.

While GDPR is EU legislation, it impacts companies outside Europe. Under the GDPR, companies (including security solutions firms) will need to follow the law’s guidelines when collecting or using personal data. If your company deals with European individuals in any other country, it’s critical to ensure you are transparent about surveillance to avoid penalties.

This resource, is a part of SIA’s GDPR guidance, shares GDPR references for physical security and identity in the United States.

Current, NewsMark Lizar