Simplify Governance
Trust & Consent
For real trust and consent to be possible, organisations need to be as open and as transparent as the people are to them. Reciprocity and proportionality are critical requirements in this relationship.
Active Transparency
At OpenConsent we provide solutions for organisation that begin with active transparency. This is because, people by nature are decentralised beings, which is why people need technology that supports decentralised interactions and relationships. Today, people and companies literally operate in the dark about their state of privacy and surveillance. This is a critical cybersecurity and privacy risk as there is no active transparency.
Active transparency opens a lot of possibilities. A key factor being that people can more easily trust to share more personal data, and organisations can reduce the notice and policy friction that comes with privacy online.
The core technology developed at OpenConsent is Consent Receipt Notice System. It is used to automate active transparency and in this system a digital Notice Receipt is used to maintain transparency after personal data is shared.
If your organisation is interested in Consent Receipts, or designing a consent receipt system for Active Transparency, we offer professional services to help your organisations implement and we are happy to help.